# 104

RoboClubbing to Death

AMVK, DDV and Mauro are the Policemen of the Hell for four hours of undressed earpleasure and eyepain in the Forum of the MoMu.

In the framework of Robodandy, Club Moral will present an inevitable collision of sound and vision, word and action, body and ground.

From 14.00hrs onwards respectively:

  • the 'Freaks end Future' set with highs and lows such as 'Uber den Selbstmord'- 'Ballad of the Ram' and 'In the Belly of the Beast'. Simultaneously live on Radio Centraal hosted by Dennis Tyfus.
  • 'Fastest Accelerating TV' - 20 year old vj-ing avant la lettre.
  • Club Moral calls the Anger of the Rising Scorpio by playing records on top of the roaring engines in the best film of all times. Jesus will come too.
  • AMVK's 'Meursault' will grind into the Club Moral dj-set seamless from the depths of the deepest.
  • Then the Redd Gravvy will flow: 'Watching Bukowski Drinking Wine Spodyody'.
  • Spiritually finishing Closer to U will be 60 minutes of 'RoboClubbing to Death'. After loveless texts from Gazet van Antwerpen on the Living(stone)CD and the LandRover jargon on the User Handbook CD, Club Moral will set poetry from serial killers to musick in pure slaughterhouse style. Once, and never again.
  • Reign - Rain (Joseph Kallinger)
  • And the Muzzlers and the Guzzlers (Carl Panzram)
  • Never Say Never to Always (Charles Manson)
  • Charlie (Joseph Kallinger)
  • Clueless (Peter Sutcliffe)
  • Lies (Jack Henry Abbott)
  • Mechanical Man (Charles Manson)
  • Higher, Mommy (Joseph Kallinger)
  • My Name is (David Berkowitz)
  • I am the man (Carl Panzram)
  • Reign - Rain -reprise- (Joseph Kallinger)
in Forum ModeNatie, Nationalestraat 28, Antwerpen, Belgium.

Playlist: I am the Man, On Suicide, Reign/Rain,